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The BRIDGE Lab: Bridging the «Wisdom Gap» (BRIDGE)

Researchers Involved

Dr. Ning Wang

Prof. Dr. Davide Scaramuzza

Prof. Dr. Francis Cheneval

research areas

Digital Ethics
Public trust
Technology & Society


2022 - 2025


In The BRIDGE Lab, DSI researchers aim to create a collaborative platform as a structural vessel to promote research and innovation across sectors and cultures, by connecting science with business, cultures, and the society more broadly. 


Today, we live in a world of interconnected global issues of great complexity, which interlocks existing problems and supercharges power dynamics. The gap between the increasingly interconnected complexity of our problems and our inability to make sense of them is the «wisdom gap». The BRIDGE Lab offers an exploratory space to bridge this gap by addressing the challenge of «value sensitive innovation» through its strategically defined service portfolio. Project partners include key societal actors at different institutional levels, such as the Swiss federal and cantonal authorities. As one of the UZH DSI Labs, the project is funded by the Digitalisation Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH).

More info about the project on UZH or on LinkedIn.

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Research Pillar: Evidence-Based Scientific Inquires

Thematic focus

    • Societal Acceptance of Disruptive Technology (e.g. AI, robotics, autonomous systems)
    • Stakeholder-Driven Translational Research (e.g. living labs, citizen science)

Involved projects

Education Pillar: Open & Participatory Learning

Thematic Focus

    • Social Innovation & Social Entrepreneurship
    • Project Based Learning (e.g. fablabs, hackathons)
    • Certificate of Open Studies for Vulnerable Populations (e.g. refugees, indigenous communities)

Involved Projects

Consultancy Pillar: Action-Oriented Strategy Setting

Thematic Focus

    • Value Sensitive Innovation (e.g. deliberate transformation towards sustainability)
    • Policy Recommendations (e.g. responsible AI)
    • Governance Frameworks (e.g. public perception matrix)
    • Implementation Tools (e.g. ethics self-assessment)

Involved Projects

Partnership Pillar: Cross-Sectoral & Inter-Cultural Collaboration

Thematic Focus

    • Science Diplomacy
    • Engagement & Outreach
    • Dialogues & Trialogues

Involved Projects