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Reading group “Interdisciplinary Ethics of Algorithms”

Researchers Involved

Corinna Hertweck

research areas

Artificial intelligence
Digital Ethics
Fair Algorithms
Reading Group


2021 - 2022

Reading group “Interdisciplinary Ethics of Algorithms”

In this Reading Group, we discuss ethical issues in algorithmic decision-making from various methodological approaches (e.g. philosophy, social sciences, political theory, statistics, and machine learning).
The reading group is part of the NRP 77 “Socially Acceptable AI and Fairness Trade-Offs in Predictive Analytics”.


The reading group is a monthly event, usually taking place the second Tuesday of the month at 5:00-6-00 p.m. In each meeting, an article or book chapter is presented in 10 minutes and then discussed. It is advisable to read it before the meeting.
Due to the Covid-19 measures, so far the meetings have been online on Zoom. This is the link to join.

We are considering setting the meetings of Fall Semester at the DSI.



Researchers and PhD-, MA-students interested in the topic from various disciplines (e.g. computer science, health, bioethics)


Schedule of the meetings:

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