Launch: The Bridge Lab

14. November 2022
On 1 November 2022 , a new structural vessel «The BRIDGE Lab» was launched at the UZH Digital Society Initiative (DSI). As the key drivers of the initiative, Dr. Ning Wang, Prof. Davide Scaramuzza and Prof. Francis Cheneval aim to, through this collaborative platform, connect science with industry, government, regulatory authority, and civil society around conditions of successful implementation of digital innovations in Switzerland.
The ethos of the lab is to «Bridge The Wisdom Gap» – the gap between the increasingly interconnected complexity of global challenges, which interlocks existing problems and supercharges power dynamics, and our inability of making sense of as well as coping with them. «The BRIDGE Lab» seeks to offer an exploratory space for addressing one such challenges – the introduction and integration of high-impact technology in society, such as drones used as urban air mobility solutions in Switzerland.
The lab is funded by the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH) for two years. Project partners include leading industry members and key societal actors, such as Canton of Zurich, Federal Office of Civil Aviation, IEEE Switzerland, and University of Geneva, among others. More info about the project can be found here. Stay tuned on the upcoming activities!