Invitation_Making Sense of AI Hype_Sept 22, 5pm

3. September 2023
We are very happy to invite you to a public event “Making Sense of AI Hype” organized by the DSI-Ethics Community.
Location: Digital Society Initiative (DSI), University of Zurich, Raemistr. 69, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland, or online via Zoom
Date: September 22, 5pm 2023
Registration here
- How to make sense of the fast development of AI?
- How to distinguish the different AI hypes from the underlying myths
- How to navigate its ethical and societal implications?
- How can ethics and philosophy help?
Format: A public event with keynote by Prof. Zimmerli with panel discussion
Keynote by Prof. Zimmerli
Since Chat GPT we are witnessing another global AI hype. In his public lecture Swiss philosopher Walther Ch. Zimmerli tries to unveil the hidden mechanism behind the undeniable success-stories of AI by reconstructing its history of recurring hype-cycles beginning with what he calls the „Dartmouth Conspiracy“ and Turing’s „rehabilitation of deception“. The underlying suggestive power of the idea of AI, however, must be attributed to its mythical character as is demonstrated both by contrasting the Gartner hype-cycle theory with the philosophy of myth (Blumenberg) and by semiotically explaining it in terms of analogies and metaphors.
- Jana Sedlakova