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Nimra Ahmed

Nimra is doing her Fast Track PhD under Prof. Dr. Elaine May Huang at the People and Computing Lab. She has previously completed her Bachelor's Degree in Informatics at the University of Zurich, where she wrote her thesis, "Designing Technology for People Affected by Forced Marriage", which was awarded the UZH Impact Award in 2022.
She is particularly interested in Feminist HCI and Social Justice. Specifically, she focuses on designing and developing digital interventions for vulnerable and marginalized communities. Currently, her work focuses on the topics of domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and forced marriages. She uses trauma-informed and participatory design approaches, which will help the participants in my research gain a sense of agency and ownership in the technologies that emerge from the project. 
Further research interests:
- Feminist HCI
- Social Justice Design
- Gender-Based Violence
- Culture & Diversity in HCI
- Mental Health & mHealth
- Women’s Digital Health & Well-Being


University of Zurich


Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics


Department of Informatics